Busy busy busy, I am so busy. Busy all the time. New job, two kids, a million things to do.
Every once in a while, I get a few minutes to myself. Between the kids’ bedtime and mine, perhaps. Or everyone’s taking a nap on the weekend but me for an hour.
And then it’s gone.
Not one single thing got done, and I was busy the whole time. And the window is closed. It’s off to the next thing.
What happened? I am a master procrastinator is what happened. I’m so good at it, I barely have to think about it anymore. I can waste time with amazing efficiency.
The key is to mix in old, tried-and-true procrastination methods with new ones that you’re still learning about. No need to jump on every social media train that comes down the tracks. There’s a lot of life left in the old ones, but throw in a trending game to keep you updated.
Maybe you’re still doing book after book of Sudoku, like it's 2005. Or maybe you’re still playing minesweeper. Hey, who am I to judge? Here’s how I am currently killing what little free time I have available:
So angry.
- Candy Crush, duh
- Angry Birds, Angry Birds HD, Angry Birds Seasons, Angry Birds Rio, Angry Birds Space, Angry Birds Star Wars, Angry Birds whatever’s next, bring it!
- Endorse people on LinkedIn
- Upload/download pictures of your kids, sort them, pick the best ones, weed them out, then post a few on Facebook
- Browse through your news feed to find stuff that would look good on your blog’s Facebook page
- Tweak your blog (it sounds dirty, I know, but it’s oddly refreshing)
- Write out your to-do list
- Rewrite your to-do list
- Format your to-do list
- Prioritize your to-do list
- Add things to your to-do list that you’ve already done and cross them off
- Write this
Oh crap, I’ve been neglecting my Pinterest boards! I gotta go…